Motivation: Where there is a will there's a way..

Where there is a will there's a way

Wooden Bridge on Rainforest

The man who possesses a strong will is sure to overcome all dangers. He is sure to solve his problems and achieve success in life. Nothing is impossible for a man of will. The path of life is not a bed of roses. But it is extremely thorny.

                     Photo of Person Walking On Desert During Evening

 At every step of his forward march, man has to face difficulties and dangers. Failure in life is due mainly to a lack of determination. Our success in life is in proportion to the strength of our will. 

                 Silhouette of Two Person Standing during Nighttime

Weak- minded men lose all energy and feel disappointed whenever they fail. A strong- minded man never thinks of defeat. The history of Robert Bruce is in instance to the point.

             Person with toy airplane on world map


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