
Showing posts from May, 2020

75+ Best short instagram captions during Lockdown

 125+ Best instagram captions during Lockdown: Here you will find all of your type captions. To post with your photo during LOCKDOWN. Best for any site like instagram, facebook or on your whatsapp status.              Best instagram captions during Lockdown: All we have is now. Living my best life.  This is real! This is me! Loving My new look Be savage, not average. Every day is an adventure. Do you know what would look good on you? Me. . Before and after  Loving this look Be strong I’m happiest when I’m right next to you. Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping. Thank you for my making life fun. Always appreciate the little things. What would I do without you? I can go all the way Feeling so fly  You just haven’t met me yet A touch of red and its perfect Vacation mode: On. It’s not about the face, it’s about this lovely purple dress Talk to the sand. Sunshine is the best medicine. Views on views. Permanently out of office. Eat...

Can one answer these questions..???

              Why Temple fund cannot be used during COVID-19? Why Indian Economy is more important than COVID-19 paramedic? What type of disease is COVID-19. Is it transmitted disease or can be born within a person due to cold or cough? Why their is insufficient tests of COVID-19 in India? When will COVID-19 end? can any one answer then please answer on my gmail or in the comments. gmail:               

Tik-Tok V/S Youtube: People during lockdown

                    TIK-TOK V/S YOUTUBE                                 People are locked in their homes for last two months. In this period they have nothing to do . So, they are spending their time on social media like- Tik-Tok, Youtube, Facebook,Instagram,etc...                                 Before lockdown people didn't had too much time to visit their social accounts. but know they have the whole day to spend it with their gadgets. some people are trying to utilise their time in learning something new from youtube like- dance, singing, crafts, part time earnings from home, etc... Besides these people their are some people who are just passing their days without any reason. Some of them try to get out of their homes just for roaming around at any cost like- in my villag...


“EARLY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE MAKES A MAN HEALTHY, WEALTHY AND WISE.” Early rising is very useful. A man who goes to bed early rises early. One who rises early often goes to bed early. Such a man lives a healthy life. A healthy man can work hard. By hard work he can earn money and wealth. In the early morning air is fresh. The whole natural surroundings are peaceful and healthy. They make an early riser healthy, wealthy and wise. A person who goes to bed late rises late. If he rises late he will have to work till late hours to finish his day’s work. Thus he loses his health, wealth and wisdom. Such is the importance of this saying.               

a scene in a examination hall in 550+ words

A scene in the examination hall/, a public examination Outline : Feeling of students in the examination hall- student’s behavior- distribution of question paper- other details- after the final bell goes- conclusion.                     When an examinee enters the examination hall, his mood changes. There is a sense of fear, doubt and curiosity in his mind. The warning bell rings. He gets alert. Some examiners are still turning over the pages of the books. Others are glancing through their notes. Some others are discussing the probable questions. The bell rings again. There is complete silence everywhere. The students are given answer-books. They write their names and other details. The invigilators are there moving about. The question-papers are also distributed. The invigilators go on warning the examinees. ‘NO TALK’, ‘DO NOT LOOK BACK’- are some remarks of the invigilators.                 ...

Is Indian economy more important than COVID-19

"Is Indian economy more important than COVID-19"                                         Know in india, after a lockdown of almost 2 months. the indian government had started to give some freedom in lockdown to bring Indian economy to its track. but 'is it right time to do it so'? this question arises because the number of corona patients is increasing rapidly during this time.   till date only 30 lakhs people in India had their corona test out of 130 crore, it is not sufficient. only those people who visit hospital have their corona test, but in my views their should be door-to door corona test to identify real face of COVID-19 in India. because some people are hiding it. It can be due to several many reasons - like financial problems, social relations, ignorance, many reports govern that corona virus may take much time to show the symptoms, etc..         ...

my honest veiws on VILLAGE LIFE

VILLAGE LIFE OUTLINES: Introduction- daily routine of a villager- town life versus village life- conclusion. Village life is very charming. In villages one experiences the note of purity and naturalness. Many poets and writers write about the beauty and charms of village life. A villager gets up early in the morning. He enjoys the songs of birds. The golden rays of the rising sun welcome him. Most of the villagers are farmers and laborers. They feed their cattle. Then they go to their fields. They work hard whole day. In the evening or afternoon they return home. Children play in the open air. At the close of the day they sit together. They talk about different things for hours. Village life is a peaceful life. Villagers enjoy the real peace of Nature. They have little mental tension. One can feel fresh. One never feels tired in a village. The charms of village life are always inviting. Life in town is busy. It is always full of tensions. So, people like to live in villages. ...

essay on AN INDIAN FESTIVAL in 280+ words

An Indian FESTIVAL           OUTLINE: Introduction-festivals in India-socially and religious important-Durga puja-its significance and celebration- conclusion.                   India is the land of festival. The Indians celebrate them with great joy. The Indians are, by nature, religious people. So, religious festival are of great importance to them. There are festival like holi, Diwali and durga puja which are celebrated by Hindus. The Muslims celebrate Id and Muharram. The Christian celebrate Easter and Christmas. Of all the festival of Hindus. I like durga Puja. It has a spiritual meaning. Worship to goddess Durga purifies soul. Durga Puja has a religious background. It is said that Goddess Durga killed Mahishasur who was a terror to all. This Puja shows the victory of good over evil. Durga is a symbol of love and hope. Durga Puja is generally held in October or November. Nature looks very beautiful. The a...

the season i don't like in 500+ words

                THE SEASON YOU DO NOT LIKE OUTLINES : introduction- burning daytime and heat strokes- hot evenings- sleepless nights due to hot air- other disadvantages and conclusion.                                    I do not like summer season. This season is painful to me. The morning is dull and hot. The sun is killing. It is so hot that we cannot go out easily. As the day advance, it grows all the more uncomfortable. If we are in towns and cities, we do not generally get rickshaws. Most of the time we have to move about on foot. The summer season seems to burn us down at noon. The sun looks like a mass of flames. People get heat strokes and many of them die. We are not at all comfortable even within the four walls of our houses. The roof become hot, the hot wind makes our life still more miserable. We go on sweating and our cloths become wet. ...

shortnote on A VILLAGE MARKET in 450+ words

THE VILLAGE MARKET   OUTLINES : introduction- the place it is held- time- description- advantages.                    The village market is a business Centre. It is a place where things are bought and sold. There are permanent markets in towns. But there are no permanent markets in villages. Besides, markets in villages are not held daily. They are generally held twice or thrice a week. There is only one market for several villages. The market is held in an open place. It is held in the afternoon. Businessmen of villages and nearby towns take their article to the market. Villages go there to buy or sell their articles. Most of the people sit on the ground to sell things. They sit in a row. There are different rows for different types of traders. Articles of daily use are there in the market. Very costly or less selling articles are generally not found in the village market.               ...

a football match in 350+ words

A FOOTBAL MATCH OUTLINES : Time and place- the parties- description- conclusion .                     The Ninth Asian was held in India. It was 3 rd December 1982. The final of the match of the Asian games was held at the Nehru Stadium at 6:50p.m. About fifty thousand people had gathered in the stadium to witness the match. Besides lakhs of people saw the match on T.V. many others heard running commentaries on their radios. Kuwait and Iraq were in the final. Iraq had defeated Saudi Arabia and Kuwait defeated Korea in the semi-finals.                       I also sat in front of the T.V. set. A number of people were anxious to witness the match. The Japanese referee blew the whistle. Both the teams came to the ground. The players of the Kuwait team were dressed in black while the players of the Iraqi team were dressed in white. Both the teams had entered the final of the Asia...

essay on college life in 300+ words

College life Outlines : introduction- college life is the best period of time- difference between schools and colleges- the qualities that a student develops in a college- change in outlook- facilities for sports and knowledge- conclusion .                    College life is the most important part in the life of a student. It is the best period in his life. College life is quite different from school life. A student gets a free atmosphere in a college. But he is not equally free in a school. Teachers chide him. His parents have full control over him. In a school, classes are held at a stretch. In a college a student gets plenty of leisure periods. A student gets a lot of scope for games and sports. Sometimes debates and cultural programs and also organized. Thus a student can built up his body. He can play cricket, hockey, football, or volley-ball. He can develop mind, too. Competitions are held and prizes are awarded.   ...

town-life V/S village-life in 300+ words

TOWN- LIFE AND VILLAGE- LIFE OUTLINE : introduction- the charms of town- life- the advantages of country- life- the contrast between the two- conclusion.                                     Town- life means life in a town or city. Village-life means life in a village. There is a great difference between these two kinds of life. Towns or cities are made by men. Villages are the product of nature. But towns are the products of civilization. Nature is supreme in a village. But everything is arranged by men in town. Town-life has its own advantages in the present day of science. There are quick means of transport and communication in town. A busy man likes to live in town. He gets newspapers and books easily. Town-life has social and cultural advantages. There are institutions for higher education in town. A city-dweller thinks that village-life is better than town-life. There is lack of open s...

the book i liked the most in 250+ words

The book I liked the most Outlines: introduction- the name of the book- the story- the appeal merits- conclusion.   Everybody has a favorite book. He likes the book or its story for various reasons. I like the story of the fight between Duryodhan and Arjuna narrated in the ‘Mahabharta’. This dialogue has been given in the ‘Bhagwat Gita’. ‘The Bhagwat Gita’ is a holy book of the Hindus. It is said that Lord Krishna himself gave out the whole story. A great battle was fought at Kurukshetra. It is said that Lord Krishna gave his support to the Pandavas. He was Arjuna’s chariot- driver. First, Arjuna refused to fight the battle against his own men. At this Lord Krishna made a long speech. Lord Krishna advised Arjuna to take heart. He encouraged him to fight. Lord Krishna told him not to think of the result but he should go on doing his duty. He also showed the real nature of the world to Arjuna. Thus Arjuna was convinced of the need to fight. He realized the nothingness of h...

my sweet dream

A sweet dream Outlines : introduction- description- conclusion.      Each one of us has a dream. A dream is not a new thing to us. When we are sleep, we dream about lots of things. Sometimes our dream are pleasant. Sometimes they are not very pleasant. Unpleasant dreams disturbs us. But sweet dreams please us most. The memory of a sweet dream lasts long.             It was the month of November. One night I had a very pleasant dream. I still remember that dream. It seems I shall never forget that dream for a long time to come. In my dream, I found that I was going to the U.S.A. The government of India had selected me for going abroad for higher studies.             I went to the aerodrome. A big aero plane was there on the runway. I had not seen the inside of the plane. So, I entered it. A large number of my friends and relatives had come to see me off. I was overjoyed at that time.      ...