the season i don't like in 500+ words

               Flock Of Birds


Leaves Hang-on Rope

OUTLINES: introduction- burning daytime and heat strokes- hot evenings- sleepless nights due to hot air- other disadvantages and conclusion.

                 Flock Of Birds                

I do not like summer season. This season is painful to me. The morning is dull and hot. The sun is killing. It is so hot that we cannot go out easily. As the day advance, it grows all the more uncomfortable. If we are in towns and cities, we do not generally get rickshaws. Most of the time we have to move about on foot.

The summer season seems to burn us down at noon. The sun looks like a mass of flames. People get heat strokes and many of them die. We are not at all comfortable even within the four walls of our houses. The roof become hot, the hot wind makes our life still more miserable. We go on sweating and our cloths become wet.

The evening is also not very pleasant. Even after sunset, the heat continues. Our beds are hot, the pillows, too, are hot. Even the fan does not gives us relief.

           Tree With Maple Leaves

The night is equally painful. Most of the time, there is no electricity. The wind is not blowing. Our drinking water is also not cold. We cannot sleep well at night. Sometimes we remain awake till one o’clock. The only pleasant part of the summer season is its early morning hours.

The summer has its other disadvantages. The drought affects crops. The summer season makes us lazy. So, I do not like this season.

                                                 Green Bird Perched On A Branch


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