town-life V/S village-life in 300+ words

TOWN- LIFE AND VILLAGE- LIFEWhite and Blue Concrete Building Aerial Photography

OUTLINE: introduction- the charms of town- life- the advantages of country- life- the contrast between the two- conclusion.

                       PeOple Walking Between Buildings           

Town- life means life in a town or city. Village-life means life in a village. There is a great difference between these two kinds of life. Towns or cities are made by men. Villages are the product of nature. But towns are the products of civilization. Nature is supreme in a village. But everything is arranged by men in town.

Town-life has its own advantages in the present day of science. There are quick means of transport and communication in town. A busy man likes to live in town. He gets newspapers and books easily. Town-life has social and cultural advantages. There are institutions for higher education in town.

A city-dweller thinks that village-life is better than town-life. There is lack of open space there.

In fact, village-life has many charms. A villager lives in the lap of Nature. Village-life is simple and charming. Houses are wide apart from one another. There are more of sunlight and fresh-air. Village-life is useful for health. It is always a pleasure to breathe the fresh air in a village. Everything seems to be quiet. The wide sky is above our head. The air is pure. There is natural beauty in a village.

But it is difficult to say which of their two is better. In fact, both of them have merits and demerits. Town-life is good for intellectual work. Village- life is good for peace and health. Efforts should be made to narrow down the gulf between the two. In India, the distinction between them may end after some time.

                                                   Photo of Billboard of Woman in Black and White


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