my sweet dream

A sweet dream

Outlines: introduction- description- conclusion.

    Clear Glass Bottle on Brown Wooden Table

Each one of us has a dream. A dream is not a new thing to us. When we are sleep, we dream about lots of things. Sometimes our dream are pleasant. Sometimes they are not very pleasant. Unpleasant dreams disturbs us. But sweet dreams please us most. The memory of a sweet dream lasts long.

           Man Sitting on Dock

It was the month of November. One night I had a very pleasant dream. I still remember that dream. It seems I shall never forget that dream for a long time to come. In my dream, I found that I was going to the U.S.A. The government of India had selected me for going abroad for higher studies.

           Woman Lying on Flowers

I went to the aerodrome. A big aero plane was there on the runway. I had not seen the inside of the plane. So, I entered it. A large number of my friends and relatives had come to see me off. I was overjoyed at that time.

           Close-Up Photography of Woman Sleeping

Soon after that the plane took off with a jerk. In a few minutes the plane was high up in the air. The plane rose higher and higher. When I looked down, the earth looked like a huge ball. The plane was flying at great speed. I enjoyed every bit of time and journey.

            Dream Text on Green Leaves

The plane landed at an aerodrome. I do not exactly remember the name of the country. I had my meal. The place was new and people were strange to me. The plane took off again. I was in the air. In the meantime, someone called me. My sweet dream came to an end.

         Silhouette of Feather Dreamcatcher


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